Thursday Hoops | March 7 | NCAA

Nelly’s has a 2-for-1 college basketball offer for Thursday night!

We went 55-34 in March/April NCAA picks the past two seasons and our past two weeks in college basketball have turned in +20.0* and +11.5* as we head into March Madness, on our way to a 7th straight winning season.

Consider joining tonight or for an extended subscription in time for tournament action with an amazing 29-14 record in NCAA Tournament and NIT picks the past two seasons.

Big E has picked up over 100* the past two weeks and is on a 7-2 run in his biggest picks!

A 15* is expected this week (3-1 this season) while his final regular season conference GOY picks will be ahead this weekend!

Bobby Dalton came up short by just a basket in last night’s 7star. He looks to bounce back tonight with a Pac-12 pick on the late night block!