Nelly’s & Dalton | MLB | 2-0 Tuesday | Aug. 17

Nelly’s and Bobby Dalton both went 2-0 last night including underdog winners on the diamond. Nelly’s has gone 2-0 three of the past five days for a nice mid-August run in MLB.

Bobby Dalton is on a 15-4 run in MLB picks the past 11 days.

Win on Wednesday with a 2-for-1 Totals offer from Nelly’s as we try to go 2-0 again.

Bobby Dalton has his next Trips-2-Win 2/3 offer, having won 12 of his last 13 Trips-2-Win 2/3 offers and those picks going 29-9!

Green Sheet Issue #7 will be out later tonight for Preseason Week #2. Sign up for the season subscription with Nelly’s!